Kundalini Activation
What is the Kundalini Activation?
Kundalini Activation is a direct energy transmission of life force energy & a unique method of spiritual awakening that goes beyond traditional Kundalini practices. It involves the transmission of a descending life force energy, which activates the root chakras and kundalini, leading to a gradual and natural awakening process. With a focus on embodiment of the spirit force and shifts in consciousness, it can bring about deep insights, intuition, reality shifts, and a deeper connection to oneself. The transmission of non-dual consciousness is also a hallmark of this practice, resulting in profound shifts in one's life and lifestyle choices.
In a session, spontaneous movements can and do arise. Some consider it a cathartic experience or something that gives them deep insights or realizations, but these are just some of the side effects that can happen.
Every "symptom" or sign of a Kundalini Awakening, from the earliest signs to the later end manifestations, are seen regularly in participants.
You lie down on a yoga mat. Some music is played. That's it. That's all that happens, but on the inside is a different story...
Why Kundalini Activation?
Activated Kundalini may have a profound impact on your well-being and bring you back to your center. Receiving the raw life force transmission of Kundalini energy can be a very healing and replenishing experience and can reconnect you with the Infinite source of spiritual power. This energy may increase awareness, mental clarity, lower anxiety and/or pains, release stagnant energies and emotions, and access higher frequency vibrations.
More mental clarity
Stronger intuition
Unlocking and releasing emotional trauma
More physical energy
Deep relaxation
Decreased stress
Less anxiety
Stronger connection to oneself and the world
Natural high
Limited space available! Registration is required to reserve your spot!!
For more information about this event, contact Misa at misa@soulpowerliving.com or atlkundalini@gmail.com