I have spent a lifetime coming back to the wisdom, compassion, intuition and love present and evolving in my mind, heart, spirit & body. Years of struggle with body image, perfectionism, eating disorders, depression & addiction, led to a deep desire for spiritual connection & expansion, and a hunger for a more peaceful, self-loving & authentic version of myself.
There is a humility that develops when we realize we can’t make the climb to wholeness alone. Surrendering & finding the willingness to receive are the first steps in any healing & transformation. I have many, many people to thank for helping me on my way to wholeness— mirrors of truth & reflection, kindness and compassion.
The learning never ends, but the deep & passionate desire to create connection, offer healing reflection, and share the powerful tools of transformation that have changed my life has brought me here, to Soulpower Living as a way of coaching. This is an approach inviting a profound connection to our physical & elemental body, our intuitive & spiritual body, & our powerful, emotional body. All of these are energetic, all are meaningful and have a part to play in our wholeness. This path invites movement, awareness, consciousness, & expression as deep level healing, reclaiming our freedom from self judgment, fear, and stuckness.
On a practical level, spiritual embodiment coaching is a culmination of my education & experiences as an occupational therapist specializing in sensory integration, a certified death doula and grief group facilitator, a certified group fitness and movement facilitator, a certified Earth Medicine practitioner, a spiritual seeker & student, an imperfect, passionate dancer, and a mother and partner of 26 years. I am also half Japanese and grew up as a child of a Naval officer. This taught me the deep understanding and need for belonging, & all the wisdom that comes with it.
I work with individuals seeking:
To improve their relationship, confidence, self compassion, and self love with their body—whether it’s physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual body,
A regular embodiment practice for grounding, balance, self-regulation, mindfulness and presence.
Support in recognizing and letting go of belief patterns & stories that create resistance & challenges in daily life.
Support in how to create & maintain healthy, relational & energetic boundaries for self and with others.
To manage and improve their energy mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
To work through difficult emotions such as anger or insecurity, grow in confidence &.voice, improve cognitive & physical health, & increase creativity through movement & dance.
Authentic relating to self & connection with others.
A meaningful connection to Spirit, personal spiritual guides, and practices that deepen consciousness, emotional balance & alignment,
A stronger connection to the Earth, specifically through learning & embodying their innate Elemental nature (air, water, fire, earth, and metal).
Support in finding meaning, purpose and intention in daily life through service, activities and practices for both short term & long term growth.
Improving life force energy, aliveness, & playful joy.
Grief education, grief support, and metabolization of grief.
To discuss death, life, and how to consciously & joyfully live life as a practice in preparing for death.
To create rituals & meaningful ceremonies for personal transitions and for deepening a devotional practice to a spiritual life.
The guidance I offer is gleaned from a 4 pillars resonant in a sacred, well-balanced life:
Relationship to self & others,
Movement & life force energy,
Connection to earth & elements, and
Service to others.
If you are interested in learning more or receiving one to one coaching services, please contact me at to schedule a complimentary 30 minute consultation.
Death Doula: Currently, I am on hiatus in offering services as a direct care death doula, but I can still answer questions & offer consultation remotely. I am still involved in a beautiful organization that serves the actively dying. For death doula services, please contact the Center for Conscious Living and Dying or the Death Doula Collective.